

Everything on Olkhon Island was closed for Winter
A few people have asked how I came up with the name for this blog so I thought I'd add an about page to explain. I started the blog about 3 weeks into my trans-siberian trip, in a hostel in Ulann Bator. Up until this point I had decided I didn't want a blog as I needed a break from computers (my day job) but I eventually broke and decided to start one. All I needed was a name.

Earlier on the trip during a visit to Olkhon Island we had an entertaining conversation with the owner of the guesthouse. Check the link for details of the conversation. Anyhow shortly after this conversation we were deciding what to do next so we figured we'd use the internet to see what else we could do on Olkhon island. I went back to the reception and asked if they have internet or wifi. We had seen a sign earlier for wifi but there was no wifi showing up on my computer. The lady at reception paused briefly after I asked about wifi and then said "Sorry, Internet, ehhh, closed for winter".

After the trans-siberian trip I returned to Ireland for almost 4 months before leaving for a year traveling around Latin America. I have continued updating the blog for this Latin America trip. At the time of writing this the Latin America trip is coming to an end but a new adventure is about to start.